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Preventing Auto Injuries with Head Restraints

In North America, an estimated $29 billion is spent on treating the disability and pain of whiplash injuries. Fortunately there are ways to prevent whiplash injuries from occurring. Having a properly adjusted head restraint can significantly decrease your risk of whiplash injuries.

Learn whether your head restraint meets safety recommendations in this video.

Early Intervention After Auto Injury

After an auto injury many people do not seek immediate treatment. This costly mistake can worsen your injuries and lead to the development of chronic pain. Learn more about getting the medical and legal help you need in this video.

Auto Injuries Can Result in Weakened Ligaments

Rear-end auto collisions can result in permanent disability and pain. In this video you'll learn how weakened ligaments can lead to persistent symptoms. As the violent motions of a crash strain the ligaments of the neck, their ability to stabilize the spine is compromised, making you more susceptible to injury.

Radicular/Radiating Pain After Auto Injury

Many auto-injury patients suffer from radiating pain throughout their arms, hands, neck, shoulders, and back. After a car crash, injury to the ligaments and tissues surrounding the spine can cause inflammation that impinges the spinal nerves. That triggers tingling, numbness, and pain in parts of the body where the nerve runs.

We explore the most common causes of radicular pain after an auto collision in this video

What Causes Chronic Pain After Auto Injury?

Many auto-injury patients can develop pain in parts of the body far from their original injury. In this video we explain how injuries can set your nervous system in red alert, generating increased pain sensitivity and symptoms throughout the body. This process is known as central sensitization and has been widely documented in patients with whiplash and neck pain after auto collisions.

Low Back Pain After Auto Injury

Half of all auto injury patients suffer from back pain, and research suggests that car seat designs are often to blame. In this video we explain how car seats can allow some parts of your spine to move more than others during a car crash, causing increased injury to the spine and nerves.

Shoulder Pain After Auto Injury

You didn't experience a blow to the shoulder during the crash yet you're still suffering from shoulder soreness and pain. This video helps to explain why by illustrating how auto injuries can cause nerve damage that triggers pain in the shoulders, arms, and hands.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome After Auto Injury

After a car crash, if you experience numbness, tingling or pain in the arms and hands you could be suffering from thoracic outlet syndrome. The thoracic outlet is a narrow space crowded with muscles, blood vessels, and nerves traveling between your head and arm. Inflammation to the muscles around this area can compress the nerves, triggering pain. Learn how auto collisions can cause thoracic outlet syndrome with this video.

Neck Pain After Auto Injury

Why do so many patients suffer from neck pain after an auto collision? During a crash your body moves in one direction while your head lags behind. This shearing action is responsible for strain on the spinal column and ligaments of the neck. Watch this video to learn what causes neck injuries during a crash.

Vertebral Artery After Auto Injury

Do you have a dull or throbbing pain in the back of your head after an auto collision? That could be a sign of damaged arteries in the neck. In this video we illustrate how the head rapidly extends during a car crash which places tremendous strain on the structures of the neck. This can result in injury to the vertebral arteries, a potentially life-threatening problem.

Jaw Pain After Auto Injury

Jaw pain is common after an auto injury, even when there was no direct trauma to the jaw, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Often the problem originates in an injury to the neck. This video explains the causes of TMJ pain after a car crash.

Headache After Auto Injury

Ninety percent of auto injury patients suffer from headache after a car crash. Since headaches can be a sign of more serious health conditions, it's important to identify the cause of your headaches as soon as possible. In this video we review the most common types of headache experienced after an auto collision.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Many people with mild traumatic brain injury experience fleeting symptoms but do not seek medical attention. That can be dangerous since even mild concussions can cause lasting cognitive deficits, mood changes, and memory problems. Find out what the symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury are in this video, and how to handle them properly.

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